Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Quarter 2 project

Russian Project quarter DVA!!! (two)
Russia is a lot like America in the way people react to their surroundings and such. There are four main religions, The RUssian Orthodox, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism. привет (preevyet) and здравствойте (zdrasvooytye) are very common ways of greeting eachother. If you know the person, preevyet is the way to go. It is like saying "Hi" here. Zdrasvooytye is used to say "Hello" when you don't know a person. If someone greets you first with "preevyet" then it is safe to answere them with "preevyet." If not, then use Zdrasvooytye. The dating and marriage practices are like America. To be married you have to fill out paperwork. They also wear "normal" clothes. Торт (tort) is a dessert a lot like cake or pie. Кока-Кола (coca-cola) is coca-cola. Вода (vada) is water. Борщ (Borsh) is a russian beetroot soup.

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